If he gets enough votes (& comments/etc) he'll hopefully be made into a toy which then you, or others, could potentially purchase. You need to create an account to vote, but it's quick & easy and they don't spam you, I swear. Should he actually be made into a plush toy I would of course purchase a bazillion of them myself because omg adorable round bat of friendliness!!
It actually took a little while, but that's because I was trying out both Brushes new layers stuff and SketchBook. I really like SketchBook's wide variety of features but the UI has a bit of a learning curve, so I kept going back to Brushes.
It's a cupcake, it's a bat. It's both! Blurry pic, figure I'll do a cuter/color version in the vaguely near future because black and white sprinkles don't work.
Today I've been doing my drawing-a-week thing for exactly a year. I was fairly successful for the most part. I missed a week here or there but made multiple posts during other weeks, so I have 65 total for the year. Yay for drawing!
The last of my drawings from the magazine sketches I did a week or so ago.
The first challenge is always an opposite hand drawing. Usually I forget to label those and wonder why I have a randomly horribly drawing in my book. This time I remembered.
She was wearing really large sunglasses for most of the longer poses. They did not turn out well in sketchpad land.